Generation 1: Yumi Sora


Marital Structure: ??
Number of Kids: ??
Primary Income: Architect
Secondary Income: Busker
Goal: ??

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Diary of Rapture Disclaimer


Deepest apologies for any confusion about what, exactly, this story is.

Diary of Rapture is a Random Legacy. And Yumi is the founder. I decided to mix things up by starting my founder as a child. :)

Also: I will NOT reveal the rolls for the generation until its story ends, as the rolls contain spoilers for each generation's story. When I was rolling, I didn't know the rules, so I went ahead and rolled for all 10 generations instead of just Generation 1. I could've gone back and deleted the other rolls, but some of the rolls posed a great idea for a story.

In other words:  I'm focusing more on the storytelling aspects than the challenge ones. Hope everyone's ok with that.



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